Here at Church of the Living Water of Austin, we provide a number of different services for our members and visitors. We strive to consistently minister the truth of God's Word with sound doctorine that will change your life.

Family Life Class
Marriage, children, intimacy and all the things that pertain to family life is the focus of this counseling session. It is held in a bible study format, but it is a counseling session like no other. God's counsel is revealed through his word and shared so that you can have the victory that God intended for His saints to have in their families.
Family Life Class begins every Sunday morning at 8:45 AM and is something you can't afford to miss.
Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening Services
As a teaching ministry, here at Church of the Living Water of Austin, we purpose to teach line upon line, precept upon precept sound doctrine that explains the Word of God that will shape your life forever. These teachings cover every area of life in a way that will get you to understand from God's perspective what He has intended for the life of all believers.
Sunday Morning Service begins at 10:00 AM and our Sunday Evening Service begins at 6:00 PM
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Weekly we get an in depth look at specific books of the bible. These very carefully studied out teachings gives us not only knowledge of sound doctrine, but practical uses in our day to day lives.
Wednesday Night Bible Study begins at
7:00 PM

​Every Saturday morning, COLW comes together for corporate prayer. We come together collectively to pray for the church locally, as well as universal. We also pray for our fellow brethren in Christ locally and worldwide. We lift up our pastor and his family, elders of our church as well as the leaders with the body of Christ. We also pray for our local and national leaders in offices around the country. Please join us at 7:30 AM to unite and come together on one accord.